Mission & History


Camp Horsin’ Around enriches the lives of children whose health is compromised or have special needs by collaborating with organized groups to provide an outdoor camp adventure.


At Camp Horsin’ Around, we have an inspired vision of providing the premier, fully adaptive camping facility for children whose lives are impacted by special healthcare needs.


H ope
O pportunity
R espect
S afety
I nclusion
N urturing


It all started with five compassionate volunteers who saw a need for a special facility to provide for the emotional and social support of children with compromised health and their families.
From there, the concept of a camp where children can have fun and bond with each other began. After visiting The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp in Ashford, Connecticut for research and inspiration, the founders decided to provide a similar environment in Central Kentucky where seriously and chronically ill children can feel that they are just like any other kid.
Camp Horsin’ Around, Helping Children Become Happy Campers was established along with its non-profit status, and so began the process of making this camp a reality!
Between 2002-2006, the camp became incorporated, and 191 acres of land were purchased to bring the vision to light. Construction began in 2007 and the facilities have since blossomed into five camper cabins, a medical building, a large/event pavilion, dining hall, swimming pool, basketball court, climbing wall, swinging bridge, boathouse, two-acre pond, picnic pavilions, archery range, campfire pits and access to the Chaplin River.