We want to express our sincere thanks to everyone who attended the Camp Out, as well as those who supported the event from home! It was a wonderful evening that generated a lot of support for our incredible campers!
We want to extend a special thanks to a few people who helped make the Camp Out engaging and enjoyable.
To the gentlemen of Centre College’s Beta Theta Pi fraternity, we thank you for giving so generously of your time. From welcoming our guests to making check a breeze, you were an amazing addition to our Camp Out team!
To the unforgettable Dave Baker, we are so grateful to you for keeping the evening rolling along smoothly and for lending your talents at the microphone.
To Stephen Carney, we sincerely appreciate you kindly giving of your time and skill to bring an air of excitement and friendly competition to the live auction.
And to the passionate and incredible Dr. Sherry Bayliff, we thank you for sharing the love of what you do and the endearing camp stories that highlight exactly what we were all there for. We thank you as well for the work you do each and every day to support children whether in the Dance Blue Clinic or here at Camp with Kids Cancer Alliance!
Thank you everyone and we look forward to seeing you at Camp Out 2024!