As the snow melts and the sun begins to shine Camp Spring cleaning has started. From clearing trails to planting flowers and dusting off the cob webs, there is much to be done. If you are interested in making a difference while shaking off the…

As the snow melts and the sun begins to shine Camp Spring cleaning has started. From clearing trails to planting flowers and dusting off the cob webs, there is much to be done. If you are interested in making a difference while shaking off the…
You can help make the magic happen for our campers… Spring is a beautiful and wonderful time to be at Camp! The trees are peeking out with a hint of new growth. The birds announce their glorious return with songs of happiness. And just this…
Camp Horsin’ Around welcomes individuals and groups of all ages and abilities to volunteer their time and talents. Every person has unique gifts, and there are a variety of volunteer opportunities at CHA to share those. Whether a few hours, days, months, or even years,…
The Woodlake Way Neighborhood Association Garden Tour benefitting Camp Horsin’ Around was held June 11th & 12th. Organized by Camp Horsin’ Around Founder, Phyllis Cronin, and 2022 Amazing 8 Honoree, Louis Hillenmeyer, the tour featured 11 beautiful and unique gardens conveniently located all on one…
Are you looking for another way to support Camp Horsin’ Around? You came to the right place. By applying to camp, you can help make a difference by supporting our team. Your action will help make children whose health has been compromised enjoy the magic…
VIRTUAL CHARITY RUN SET FOR JULY Run, gallop, walk, or jog-where-you-are to benefit Camp Horsin’ Around campers! Camp Horsin’ Around provides a special get-away adventure for children living with chronic illness and special needs – a place where kids can enjoy just being kids! Sadly,…
Camp Out 2019 was “Out of This World!” By Chris Hickey, CHA Board President It is amazing what people who are united in purpose can accomplish. We tied our theme of our annual fund-raising event, the Camp Horsin’ Around Camp Out, to the 50th anniversary…
Launching on Giving Tuesday, December 3rd at 9AM, the GoodGiving Challenge connects donors with 131 local nonprofits during this week-long online giving campaign. The GoodGiving Challenge is hosted by Blue Grass Community Foundation and Smiley Pete Publishing and runs from 9 a.m. on Tuesday, December…